How do you transfer an address or POI from Google maps to the Palisade using a flash drive?

Hyundai manuals suggest you can upload addresses or POI's from a flash drive into your navigation system. Unfortunately, the manuals we have read don't provide details on how this is done or what file format is used. Can anyone here provide the details on how we transfer pins from Google maps to our car using a flash drive.

Originally, we explored the Google maps Send-to-Car feature, which would have been wonderfully convenient. Nevertheless, we always received an error message from the Hyundai website while sending the request. Furthermore, we can no longer find the Send-to-Car feature anymore in Google maps.

We currently use the Blu Link app to send addresses to our car but want an alternative method for uploading saved addresses to our navigation system after the subscription expires. New cars come with some level of lifetime Blu Link service, but subscriptions for older cars are broken into several services which are way too expensive to merit the cost for the minimal amount we use those services. Thank you for any assistance.
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